Make Us Grow: Give Us Technology


0,00  de 53.202,00 
ended 12 months ago


La Sonrisa de Guille is characterized by putting technology at the service of disability. With this, we manage to adapt our processes to our workers, covering the SUPPOSED lack of productivity that is unfairly attributed to them. To achieve this, we have to keep pace with technological development and keep updating our equipment. Within 3D printing, we ourselves started with filament technology (FDM) and then moved on to stereolithography (SLA) to achieve higher quality with less worker effort. The parts produced with the latter technology, although they have sensational fidelity and resolution, are quite fragile and have small maximum print dimensions.

From the beginning we knew that the best technology for making larger and stronger parts was selective laser sintering (SLS). Unfortunately, the exorbitant costs of such equipment made us give up... until now. The price drop that these printers and materials have experienced, as well as the growing need we have to manufacture more resistant and larger pieces, has now made it our turn to take a step further and try to integrate this technology in La Sonrisa de Guille, can you help us to achieve it?

Of all the models available, we would like to choose from the series Fuse by Formlabs. We chose this option because it is one of the most economical on the market and also because it is the brand of SLA printers we have been working with for four years now. The price for a complete printing system is 53202,90€..

How can you help us?

  • if you are an individual:
    • Contact your company's Corporate Social Responsibility department to suggest this La Sonrisa de Guille (Guille'smile) project. In many occasions, companies launch calls for proposals where employees are the ones who present the candidatures for social projects, if this happens... JOIN THIS PROJECT WITH US!
    • Donate directly to this project. Contributions from private individuals are considered as donations and are tax deductible up to 80% (see attached image). As a thank you, your name will be published on our website and social networks if you wish.


  • There are two options for business collaborations :
    • Direct Donation: In return, your contribution will be made public on our social networks or website for a certain period of time. This option entails the deductions corresponding to the attached image, as well as counting towards the requirements of the General Law on Disability.
    • Sponsorship: There is the possibility of establishing a sponsorship contract between companies and La Sonrisa de Guille. There are different ways to do this, from periodic publications in our social networks to the presence of the company's logo on our website for a certain period of time. Contact us to study the option that best suits your company.

Specific conditions of the campaign:

  • Our target amount is 53202,90. This would be the cost of the high-efficiency printing installation, including, in addition to the printer, a larger amount of material and two manufacturing chambers that would allow parallel in manufacturing and recovery of material.
  • Our minimum amount to be able to carry out the project is 48064,03€. This amount would cover the basic printing system, with less material and only one manufacturing chamber, which would make it impossible to operate the printer until the recovery of dust from previous prints is completed.
  • This campaign will last five months, until 31 December 2023. If, after this period, the minimum amount is not reached, the money will be returned to the donors or used for other projects. as decided by each donor.

Donation certificates will be sent to the donors at the beginning of the following fiscal year, once the year has closed and the AEAT (tax authority) has been notified.

Don't forget that

"Many Little People,

Doing Little Things

We can change the world"

Hugs and kisses,

Guille's smile


Make BIZUM to 06907

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