Make Us Grow: Give Us Movement


0,00  de 35.153,00 
ended 9 months ago


Apart from the obvious economic damage, the situation with Reby has meant that we no longer have a van at La Sonrisa de Guille. Having our own vehicle not only makes us save on postage and facilitates the transport of our delicate models, but it is also a basic tool to take advantage of new opportunities.

One of these opportunities, for example, would be to enter the field of recycling Electrical and Electronic Waste. This is an area with a lot of potential where La Sonrisa de Guille would love to be in order to contribute not only in the social area, but also in the environmental one. But once again, the lack of liquidity derived from the situation with Reby prevents us from undertaking this and many other projects.

That is why once again we ask you for help, so that you can help us get one and thus be able to save on costs and have the possibility of opening new lines of business.

Among all the available options, we believe that the one that would be best suited to start this project would be a Peugeot Boxer van. After asking for quotes,we have seen that This vehicle would cost €35,153.58.

How can you help us?

  • if you are an individual:
    • Contact your company's Corporate Social Responsibility department to suggest this La Sonrisa de Guille (Guille'smile) project. In many occasions, companies launch calls for proposals where employees are the ones who present the candidatures for social projects, if this happens... JOIN THIS PROJECT WITH US!
    • Donate directly to this project. Contributions from private individuals are considered as donations and are tax deductible up to 80% (see attached image). As a thank you, your name will be published on our website and social networks if you wish.


  • There are two options for business collaborations :
    • Direct Donation: In return, the contribution will be publicised by means of a publication on our social networks or a presence on our website or van for a certain period of time. This option entails the deductions corresponding to the attached image, as well as counting towards the requirements of the General Law on Disability.
    • Sponsorship: There is the possibility of establishing a sponsorship contract between the companies and La Sonrisa de Guille. Advertising areas have been set up in the vehicle itself in order to publicize the participation of the donor company. Each of the spaces will have a cost of 2500€, will appear both on the sides and on the rear and the advertising of the collaboration will appear for a one year period from the date of registration of the van. The areas can be combined to form larger areas. It is also possible to have "half areas" with a cost in this case of €1500. Although for this modality it is recommended to contact us in advance to draw up the contract and close the conditions, in case you want to do the process through the web, please indicate the letter of the desired area in the comments field of the order. Advertising Spaces Available as of today: A, B, C, D, E, F and G

Specific conditions of the campaign:

  • Our target amount is set as the total cost of the van: 35153,58€.
  • As minimum amount to carry out the project, we will need 15000€. In the case of obtaining this amount, we would use it from the outset to acquire it through Leasing.
  • A period of three months is set for the campaign, i.e. until 30 October 2023. If, after this period, the minimum amount is not reached, the money will be returned to the donors or used for other projects. as decided by each donor.
    • Sponsorship: Advertising areas have been established in the vehicle itself in order to disseminate the participation of the donor company. Each of the spaces will cost €2,500, will appear on both the sides and the back, and the collaboration advertising will appear for a one year period from the date of registration of the van. The areas can be combined to form larger areas. It is also possible to have "half areas" with a cost in this case of €1500. Although for this modality it is recommended to contact us in advance to draw up the contract and close the conditions, in case you want to do the process through the web, please indicate the letter of the desired area in the comments field of the order. Advertising Spaces Available as of today: A, B, C, D, E, F and G

Donation certificates will be sent to the donors at the beginning of the following fiscal year, once the year has closed and the AEAT (tax authority) has been notified.

Don't forget that

"Many Little People,

Doing Little Things

We can change the world"

Hugs and kisses,

Guille's smile


Make BIZUM to 06907

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