New Project. WEEE Recycling


19.600,00  de 50.000,00 
2 months to go


We are launching a new project for the recycling of Electrical and Electronic Waste (WEEE). An area with a lot of potential where La Sonrisa de Guille has to be in order to contribute not only in the social area, but also in the environmental one.

It is an exciting, but long and complicated road. The investment is high, but the future for our team is priceless!

How can you help us?

  • if you are an individual:
    • Donate directly to this project. Contributions from private individuals are considered as donations and are tax deductible up to 80% (see attached image). As a thank you, your name will be published on our website and social networks if you wish.
    • Contact your company's Corporate Social Responsibility department to suggest this La Sonrisa de Guille (Guille'smile) project. In many occasions, companies launch calls for proposals where employees are the ones who present the candidatures for social projects, if this happens... JOIN THIS PROJECT WITH US!
  • if you are a company:
    • Direct Donation: In return, the contribution will be publicised by means of a publication on our social networks or a presence on our website or van for a certain period of time. This option entails the deductions corresponding to the attached image, as well as counting towards the requirements of the General Law on Disability.

Specific conditions of the campaign:

  • Our target amount and costs in order to be able to generate an activity with growth potential, 50000€.
  • As minimum amount to carry out the project, we will need 25000€.

Donation certificates will be sent to the donors at the beginning of the following fiscal year, once the year has closed and the AEAT (tax authority) has been notified.

Don't forget that

"Many Little People,

Doing Little Things

We can change the world"

Hugs and kisses,

Guille's smile


Make BIZUM to 06907

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