The Smile Against the Virus


La Sonrisa de Guille has the means to manufacture screens and other elements for hospitals but, being a Non-Profit Association, we do not have the necessary economic means.

We are already in contact with different hospitals that have urgently requested protection screens from us and we are designing the consumables for the respirators for which there is expected to be a lack of stock in the near future. We will mainly use polyurethane resin casting on silicone mold and 3D printing to give the fastest possible response.

If you also want to support you can do it in three ways:

-Entering the following address and making a donation that will be used to cover production costs:

-Registering you as a volunteer. As you know, the 80% of our team is made up of people with disabilities, a particularly vulnerable group that needs maximum protection. For that reason, we need volunteers to help us produce from home. In the following link you can sign up and we will contact you if necessary.

-Donating elastic bands of any type and transparent plastics (binding covers, transparency sheets, separators,...), which we will use to manufacture the protection screens. Contact us at the following link and tell us the material you have in order to organize the collection.

Lots of encouragement to all and remember that "Many little people, doing little things, can change the world".

Hugs and kisses,

Guille's smile

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