Adventures of our 4m model

A true honor to have built the model before which Markus Tacke, Siemens Gamesa @AlbertoMRivals AEEolica @CristinaGallach International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) poses, High Commissioner for the 2030 Agenda at KPMG Spain By commissioning this model, Siemens Gamesa generates employment among people with disabilities. #ImpactWind

Visit to CPrint Madrid

Hello everyone, Last Thursday we were visiting CPrint Madrid, the reference event in the visual communication, personalization and creative industries sector. We take this opportunity to welcome Borja and Sergio Alcolea Martinez, who will join our team tomorrow, through Aspimip and the Juntos Somos […]

Guille's Smile Expands Its Facilities

Today at La Sonrisa de Guille we open our new facilities on Calle Portugal, n°54, nave 55 of Mejorada del Campo. What do you think? At last 3D printers are coming home. Hugs and kisses, Guille's smile

Panda Raid with Lázaro and Carlos

Much encouragement to our friends Lazaro Garces Miñarro and Carlos Acebron who are representing us for Morocco in the Panda Raid! The team of Lazaro Garces Miñarro and Carlos Acebron is great! Not only will they give us visibility through the vinyls of their car, but they have also put cups, t-shirts, backpacks and […]

Collaboration agreement LSdG-Down Madrid

We are in luck. We have signed a collaboration agreement with the Down Madrid Foundation and its Employment Service for the training and social and labor insertion of people with intellectual disabilities. Part of our staff has been selected from the Down Madrid employment pool. Its great professionals (psychologists, social workers, etc.) join […]

Collaborate with ASA

This Christmas, collaborate with our friends at the Angelman Syndrome Association by giving away these magnificent mugs. They have trusted us for manufacturing, so you also contribute to generating employment for people with intellectual disabilities. Hugs and kisses, Guille's smile

Technical conferences at the University of Alcalá

Today participating in the Technical Conference on the "integration of people with mental disabilities" at the University of Alcalá. Many thanks to Aspimip and the Madrid Down Syndrome Foundation for giving us a voice. Pens and notebooks made by us have been distributed for the conferences. What are they cool?

FONAMAD conference

FONAMAD: Nature Photographers of Madrid is celebrating its days. One more year they have relied on La Sonrisa de Guille to make their t-shirts, trophies and cups. Why are they cool? A big hug friends. Guille's smile

IV Solidarity Cross Velilla de San Antonio

This year you can't miss the Solidarity Cross of the Velilla Athletics Club either. Funny, technical and very supportive. As always, they have collaborated in the labor integration of people with intellectual disabilities by ordering children's t-shirts from us. Sign up now!


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