Jacaranda Farm with LSdG

Raquel, the happy winner of #xmashaciendajacaranda, has already received her gifts from Hacienda Jacaranda Bodas y Eventos. The ornaments have been manufactured by La Sonrisa de Guille commissioned by Hacienda Jacaranda. What are they cool? If you want us to make things for you, don't hesitate to contact us!!!!

3D toys with a bright future

Today we got a very special surprise. In Jorge Martín's 14-year-old class, his teacher asked them to do a small job of whatever they wanted. Most of them were made on trips, but Jorge had the idea of doing it based on a story that his father told him months ago: The […]

Stories and Sensations

Luis Marciel gives us the link to his Amazon book. Books purchased by Amazon also help our project. Take a look and buy it if you like it. Oh, and don't forget to comment on Amazon. The better the opinion, the better positioned you will be. https://amzn.eu/d/4F2Efrr

Flypo Club Band with LSdG

Flypante the performance of the Flypo Club Band during the presentation of the book by Luis Marciel Loarte. On top of that, they have allocated 100% of the collection to La Sonrisa de Guille. Bravo for them!

Luis Marciel Loarte with LSdG

With Luis Marciel Loarte, author of Relatos y Sensaciones after the presentation of his book. Remember that the author of the book allocates 50% of the benefits to La Sonrisa de Guille A great night. Thank you very much Luis!

F5 Interactive with LSdG

To celebrate this Christmas, F5 Interactiva has designed a nice online game in which they offer you the opportunity to improve your day. Since they wanted to make their dream come true, in the most supportive way possible, they have collaborated with the LSdG where we have brought their feel good cubes to reality. All the information here: […]

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!!! After a few months moving among you in a furtive way, La Sonrisa de Guille finally sees the light of day in a public way. It is often said that "calm always comes after the storm", but in our case it is not so. After years of storm, La Sonrisa de Guille has emerged […]


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